Wednesday, November 25, 2009

its 2.28am now, and i am feeling super tired.

but i just cant fall asleep!!!

is there alot going through my mind?
i dont even know.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

i think its through these things i will be able to grow.


argh choir later at night, and choir choir everyday next week.

Monday, November 16, 2009

i dont know when i started like developing this need/want.
i mean like why now.
life has been great without it what.
does it come with age?
or is it because of the mounting pressures of school life,
i can no longer manage my emotions well anymore.

thoughts start to drift away too easily, quick to anger, jump to conclusions, maybe even quicker to judge, alot more pessimistic about life, the list goes on.

it just feels like a huge change upon myself has taken place, and i dont know how to deal with it.

you want to run away but you are staring at the face of it everyday.

so what you want to do now kuek, force a smile like you usually try to and childishly wishing that problems will get solved on its own?

i need a counsellor lol :D

1st post!
Saturday, November 14, 2009

okay just changed the blogskin, redid my blog!
let it be a new beginning :)